Roman Kresta bude v sezoně 2006 oficiálním testovacím jezdcem FORDU 16.12.2005 14:46 - Pavel Jelínek
Roman Kresta podle dnešní oficiální zprávy týmu podepsal s týmem BP-Ford exkluzivní smlouvu, podle které bude v sezoně 2006 jeho oficiálním testovacím jezdcem.
Na příští rok má naplánovány rozsáhlé testovací programy společně s továrními jezdci Marcusem Gronholmem a Mikkou Hirvonenem. Otázkou zůstává, zda se (mimořádně) objeví i jako třeba třetí jezdec při některé ze soutěží MS.
"Je to pro mě velmi dobrá zpráva a jsem opravdu rád, že mohu zůstat s týmem,“ říká k novému angažmá Roman Kresta.
Více později: Zde je oficiální znění zprávy pro znalce angličtiny:
For immediate release: 16 December 2005
BP-Ford signs exclusive test contract with Roman Kresta
Czech driver Roman Kresta has signed an exclusive test contract with the BP-Ford World Rally Team for 2006. Kresta, who drove a Focus RS World Rally Car for BP-Ford during 2005 and finished eighth in the FIA World Rally Championship, will be the team's official test driver next season.
Twenty-nine-year-old Kresta will play an important part in the development of the all-new Focus RS World Rally Car which the BP-Ford team will campaign in the 2006 championship. The team has a huge test programme next year and Kresta will share the driving with Marcus Grönholm and Mikko Hirvonen, the team's official drivers in the 2006 championship.
The new Focus RS WRC, which is based on the Ford Focus ST road car, enjoyed a successful debut last month on the Rally Australia when Kresta scored the first world championship points for the car.
"Roman proved his abilities as an excellent test driver throughout 2005," said BP-Ford team director Malcolm Wilson. "His technical knowledge is good and I was impressed with his feedback on the new car during Rally Australia. We have a big test schedule next year and Roman will play an important role in the continued development of the new Focus RS WRC, while also easing the workload on Marcus and Mikko."
"It is very good news for me and I am really happy that I will stay with the team," said Kresta. "I know the Ford team really well after the 2005 season and I know what it is capable of. Of course, your racing heart always wants to race and I will miss competition but I am looking forward to my new job. The debut of the new Ford Focus RS World Rally Car in Australia showed how amazing the car is and I cannot wait to drive it again. I will do my best to help the team to improve the car.”
For more information:
Contact Mark Wilford or Georgina Baskerville at the BP-Ford World Rally Team press office