
Kresta se v Argentině posunul o jednu pozici a uzavírá desítku
     17.7.2005 08:35 - tisková zpráva

Rally Argentina (14. – 17. 7. 2005)


Tisková zpráva – 2.etapa


Gardemeister si na blátě drží čtvrté místo  

Mezi desítkou nejlepších figurují po druhé etapě Argentinské rally obě posádky týmu BP-Ford. Toni Gardemeister a Jakke Honkanen si vyrovnanou jízdou s Focusem RS WRC drží čtvrtou pozici, Roman Kresta s Janem Možným se při svém prvním startu na této soutěži posunuli se stejným vozem na desáté místo.

Hustý déšť a nízké teploty charakterizovaly ráno v Carlos Paz. Podmínky v údolí Calamuchita byly o poznání sušší a jasnější. Během dne se soutěž vrátila z jihu na sever a přestalo pršet. Po ranní sprše však bylo stále velmi mokro a na tratích se drželo bláto.

Třicetiletý Gardemeister startoval do druhého dne se svým Focusem RS v barvách Castrolu ze čtvrté pozice, kterou musel celý den bránit před svým krajanem Harri Rovanperäm. Přestože jel první tři měřené úseky dne poprvé, rozšířil svůj náskok z 8,1 na 24 sekund. Odpoledne však Rovanperä opět zabral a zredukoval rozdíl na 11 sekund.

"Dopolední erzety byly tak písčité, že to bylo jak jízda po pláži," říká Gardemeister. "Druhý průjezd byl pro mě lepší, protože už jsem trať znal, ale bylo na ní hodně děr. Na blátě jsme jeli celý den, ale poslední erzeta byla neuvěřitelná! Třikrát jsem v úzké zatáčce vyjel mimo trať. Pokoušel jsem se jet přes ruční brzdu, ale bylo to tak kluzké, že jsem sjel mimo."

"Odpoledne mi to vůbec hodně klouzalo a ztratil jsem spoustu času. Večer se ukázalo slunce a doufám, že to tak zůstane i během zítřka. Souboj s Harrim si užívám a musím se zítra udržet v tempu, abych zůstal před ním," dodává Gardemeister.

Kresta se ráno z 11. místa přiblížil Xavieru Ponsovi a na následující rychlostní zkoušce se posunul před něj. Za svými zády ho udržel až do konce druhé etapy a jeho náskok činí 10,3 sekundy. Podle 29ti letého Čecha byla nejhorší z celé etapy poslední rychlostní zkouška.

"V zatáčkovitých úsecích byla v blátě ukryta spousta kamenů," říká. "Povrch trati byl pokryt vodou a nebyly vůbec vidět stopy aut před námi. Jednu zatáčku jsem minul a ve dvou jsem musel zastavit. Jel jsem pomalu, ale i tak to bylo příliš rychle! Celkově to byl dobrý den, mnohem lepší než včerejšek. Ranní erzety byly hezké a nemohl jsem uvěřit, kolik tam bylo diváků. Zítřejší rychlostní zkoušky jsou náročné a myslím, že to pro mě bude těžké. Slyšel jsem, že na vrcholcích hor by mohl být ráno i sníh a to nebude nic hezkého."

Přestože je závěrečná etapa nejkratší, bude velmi obtížná. Vysoko v horách na posádky čekají dva legendární úseky. El Condor startuje v nadmořské výšce 2195 metrů a pojede se dvakrát. Na něj navazuje neméně proslulý Cesare. Oba úseky charakterizují úzké a kamenité tratě, vedoucí nádhernou "měsíční krajinou". Závěr soutěže obstarají dva průjezdy diváckou rychlostní zkouškou v komplexu Pro Racing, kterými byla Argentinská rallye ve čtvrtek večer zahájena.


Pořadí po 2. etapě
1.  S Loeb/D Elena                          F         Citroen Xsara                       3hr 03min 45.9sec

2.  M Grönholm/T Rautiainen             FIN   Peugeot 307             3hr 04min 12.5sec

3.  P Solberg/P Mills                        N         Subaru Impreza        3hr 04min 47.6sec

4.  T Gardemeister/J Honkanen            FIN     Ford Focus RS       3hr 06min 32.1sec

5.  H Rovanperä/R Pietilainen           FIN   Mitsubishi Lancer     3hr 06min 43.1sec

6.  M Märtin/M Park                         EE      Peugeot 307             3hr 07min 34.4sec

7.  F Duval/S Smeets                      B         Citroen Xsara                       3hr 08min 24.6sec

8.  M Stohl/I Minor                                        A         Citroen Xsara                       3hr 09min 00.1sec

9.  C Atkinson/G MacNeall                         AUS    Subaru Impreza        3hr 09min 19.0sec
10 R Kresta/J Možný                                CZ       Ford Focus RS       3hr 11min 04.3sec



Martin Linhart,


Consistent Gardemeister retains fourth in Argentine mud

BP-Ford World Rally Team drivers Toni Gardemeister and Jakke Honkanen and team-mates Roman Kresta and Jan Možný both held top 10 places after today's second leg of the Rally Argentina.  Gardemeister consolidated fourth in his Ford Focus RS World Rally Car after another highly consistent performance, while Kresta climbed onto the leaderboard in 10th in a similar car on his first appearance on this rally.

Today's action on this ninth round of the FIA World Rally Championship was concentrated in two areas, and the nature of the speed tests and the conditions were very different.  The four morning special stages in the Calamuchita Valley, south of the rally base of Villa Carlos Paz, were on flowing, undulating sandy roads which sapped power and quickly became rutted.  The afternoon's action returned to the slower, rougher tracks in the Punilla Valley, north of the rally base, where yesterday's leg was based.  The seven tests covered 114.35km. 

Heavy rain and low temperatures made it a dismal morning in Carlos Paz.  Conditions in the Calamuchita Valley were damp, but much drier and brighter.  By the time the rally returned to the north, the rain had stopped but the roads were muddy and wet after the morning drenching.  The final 10.95km test from Valle Hermoso to Casa Grande was especially treacherous and few escaped without some kind of incident.  Soft compound Michelin tyres were again the preferred option for Gardemeister and Kresta all day, and both were delighted with their performance.

Thirty-year-old Gardemeister, lying fourth last night in his Castrol-branded Focus RS, knew today's biggest challenge would come from Harri Rovanperä.  The morning stages were new to the BP-Ford driver but he was faster on three of the four tests to stretch the overnight margin from 8.1sec to 24.0sec.  However, Rovanperä fought back in the afternoon and was faster on all three stages to reduce the gap to 11.0sec.

"The morning stages were so sandy it was like driving on the beach," said Gardemeister.  "The second pass through the first stage was better for me because I had the experience of the previous run to draw from, but there were some big ruts.  It was quite muddy all day but the final stage was incredible.  I slid off the road three times at hairpin bends.  I tried to control the car with the handbrake but it was just so slippery that the car slid off.

"I've done too much sliding this afternoon and lost too much time.  The sun has come out this evening and I hope it stays that way tomorrow.  I've enjoyed the fight with Harri and tomorrow I must maintain the same kind of pace to keep ahead of him," added Gardemeister.

Kresta, 11th last night, closed on Xavier Pons through the opening stage and moved ahead on the next test.  He maintained his position throughout the remaining stages to end the day 10.3sec in front.  The 29-year-old Czech also found the final test the most demanding of the leg.

"In the twisty sections in the mud there were many rocks," he said.  "The roads were hard with water on the surface and it wasn't easy to follow other drivers' lines.  I overshot one junction and stopped in two corners.  I drove slowly - but it was still too fast!  Generally, I had a good day and everything was much better than yesterday.  The morning stages were great to drive and I cannot believe how many spectators were out there.  Tomorrow's stages are difficult and I think it will be hard for me.  I've heard that there could be snow in the mountains in the morning and that would not be nice."

Antony Warmbold and Michael Orr, driving a privately-entered Focus RS, remain 12th.  The German enjoyed the roller-coaster character of the morning stages but was astonished by the slippery nature of the final few kilometres this afternoon.  "There was so much mud on top of a hard base that it was like driving on ice - studded tyres would have been nice!" he said.  "I went off the road at least five times.  It was impossible to brake and turn into the hairpins."

Argentines Luis Perez Companc and Jose Maria Volta are 14th in another M-Sport run Focus RS and much happier with their performance.  "It's been a big improvement on yesterday," said Perez Companc.  "I spoke with the team engineers last night and they gave me some good tips which I followed today." 

News from our Rivals

Sebastien Loeb (Citroen) continues to lead but Marcus Grönholm (Peugeot) put up a strong fight against the Frenchman.  Trailing Loeb by 44.6sec last night, the Finn was fastest on three of the opening four stages to reduce the deficit to 25.2sec.  Loeb lost time with a spin on one of those tests but increased his pace this afternoon to score two fastest times and end with a 26.6sec lead.  Petter Solberg (Subaru) could not hold off Grönholm.  He was passed on stage 14 and on the following test he damaged a rear brake calliper.  To stop the brake fluid leaking away, he sealed the brake pipe and completed the last two stages with brakes at the front only.  Behind Gardemeister, Harri Rovanperä (Mitsubishi) felt uncomfortable with his car during the morning tests but recovered well in the afternoon while Markko Märtin (Peugeot) slipped behind the battling duo on the afternoon's rougher stages.  There were no major retirements.  

Tomorrow’s Route

Although the shortest of the three legs, the final day promises to be tough.  Based high in the Traslasierra mountains, south-west of Villa Carlos Paz, the route takes drivers through two of the most famous speed tests of the entire championship.  Two runs over the El Condor stage, which starts at an altitude of 2195 metres, are split by one pass through the Giulio Cèsare test.  Both are narrow, rocky and based amid a spectacular moonlike landscape.  A repeat of the two short super special stages at the Pro-Racing motorsport complex, which started the rally on Thursday and where drivers race head-to-head, brings the action to a close.  After re-starting at 07.07, drivers face 64.13km of competition before the finish at 13.23.      

Leaderboard after Leg 2
1.  S Loeb/D Elena                      F               Citroen Xsara           3hr 03min 45.9sec
2.  M Grönholm/T Rautiainen             FIN             Peugeot 307             3hr 04min 12.5sec
3.  P Solberg/P Mills                   N               Subaru Impreza  3hr 04min 47.6sec
4.  T Gardemeister/J Honkanen   FIN             Ford Focus RS   3hr 06min 32.1sec
5.  H Rovanperä/R Pietilainen           FIN             Mitsubishi Lancer       3hr 06min 43.1sec
6.  M Märtin/M Park                     EE              Peugeot 307             3hr 07min 34.4sec
7.  F Duval/S Smeets                    B               Citroen Xsara           3hr 08min 24.6sec
8.  M Stohl/I Minor                     A               Citroen Xsara           3hr 09min 00.1sec
9.  C Atkinson/G MacNeall               AUS             Subaru Impreza  3hr 09min 19.0sec
10 R Kresta/J Možný             CZ              Ford Focus RS   3hr 11min 04.3sec

Stage Times

Stage 11: 1. Solberg 13min 04.3sec; 2. Grönholm + 3.2; 3. Loeb + 7.6; 4. Märtin + 8.1; 5. Gardemeister + 14.1; 6. Atkinson + 15.4; 11. Kresta + 24.4.

Overall: 1. Loeb 2hr 07min 52.5sec; 2. Solberg + 23.7; 3. Grönholm + 40.2; 4. Gardemeister + 2:06.6; 5. Rovanperä + 2:18.2; 6. Märtin + 2:32.3; 11. Kresta + 5:30.0.

Stage 12: 1. Grönholm 8min 41.0sec; 2. Loeb + 2.7; 3. Solberg + 4.3; 4. Märtin + 6.3; 5. Gardemeister + 8.7; 6. Duval + 10.2; 10. Kresta + 15.1.

Overall: 1. Loeb 2hr 16min 36.2sec; 2. Solberg + 25.3; 3. Grönholm + 37.5; 4. Gardemeister + 2:12.6; 5. Rovanperä + 2:28.0; 6. Märtin + 2:35.9; 10. Kresta + 5:42.4.

Stage 13: 1. Grönholm 10min 26.5sec; 2. Duval + 3.0; 3. Galli + 3.1; 4. Loeb + 7.4; 5. Solberg + 7.7; 6. Rovanperä + 10.3; 7. Gardemeister + 10.7; 13= Kresta + 23.7.

Overall: 1. Loeb 2hr 27min 10.1sec; 2. Solberg + 25.6; 3. Grönholm + 30.1; 4. Gardemeister + 2:15.9; 5. Rovanperä + 2:30.9; 6. Märtin + 2:44.2; 10. Kresta + 5:58.7.

Stage 14: 1. Grönholm 12min 59.0sec; 2. Loeb + 4.9; 3. Solberg + 5.8; 4. Galli + 6.0; 5. Gardemeister + 8.5; 6. Märtin + 10.3; 11. Kresta + 27.9.

Overall: 1. Loeb 2hr 40min 14.0sec; 2. Grönholm + 25.2; 3. Solberg + 26.5; 4. Gardemeister + 2:19.5; 5. Rovanperä + 2:43.5; 6. Märtin + 2:49.6; 10. Kresta + 6:21.7.

Stage 15: 1. Loeb 9min 56.4sec; 2. Grönholm + 0.4; 3. Galli + 3.6; 4. Rovanperä + 7.4; 5. Duval + 10.3; 6. Gardemeister + 10.9; 14. Kresta + 22.8.

Overall: 1. Loeb 2hr 50min 10.4sec; 2. Grönholm + 25.6; 3. Solberg + 38.7; 4. Gardemeister + 2:30.4; 5. Rovanperä + 2:50.9; 6. Märtin + 3:10.5; 10. Kresta + 6:44.5.

Stage 16: 1. Loeb 5min 53.4sec; 2. Rovanperä + 0.5; 3. Galli + 1.2; 4. Grönholm + 2.1; 5. Gardemeister + 5.0; 6. Atkinson + 5.2; 13. Kresta + 11.5.

Overall: 1. Loeb 2hr 56min 03.8sec; 2. Grönholm + 27.7; 3. Solberg + 46.1; 4. Gardemeister + 2:35.4; 5. Rovanperä + 2:51.4; 6. Märtin + 3:24.0; 10. Kresta + 6:56.0.

Stage 17: 1. Grönholm 7min 41.0sec; 2. Loeb + 1.1; 3. Atkinson + 6.8; 4. Rovanperä + 6.9; 5. Gardemeister + 11.9; 6. Solberg + 16.7; 8. Kresta + 23.5.

Overall: 1. Loeb 3hr 03min 45.9sec; 2. Grönholm + 26.6; 3. Solberg + 1:01.7; 4. Gardemeister + 2:46.2; 5. Rovanperä + 2:57.2; 6. Märtin + 3:48.5; 10. Kresta + 7:18.4.

For more information: Contact Mark Wilford or Georgina Baskerville on the BP-Ford World Rally Team media desk in Villa Carlos Paz  Tel: + 54 351 422 0774 

Fotogalerie:   Valaška 2005 od sportfoto.cz


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